Falls into the category known as encyclopedic form (a substantial anthology comprised of diverse genres and forms). The book is so massive that it has been called by such labels as “a Bible within the Bible” and “a miniature Bible.” Because of these qualities, we should focus on individual passages as self-contained, not looking for an ongoing narrative line. We need to be prepared for abrupt shifts in genre, mood, and time frame. Regarding the time frame, biblical prophecy sometimes predicts the immediate future, sometimes an intermediate future (especially the coming of Christ), and sometimes an “end times” future.

Book | Chapter | Verses | Title | Speaker | Duration |
Isaiah | 6 | 8-Jan | Holiness | James Montgomery Boice | 54:30 |
Isaiah | 50 | 40-10 | The Trial of the Servant | Sinclair Ferguson | 32:46 |
Isaiah | 50 | 1-11 | Jesus – From the Inside | Sinclair Ferguson | 47:42 |
Isaiah | 52 | 13-52:15 | The Servant’s Surprise | Art Azurdia | 41:25 |
Isaiah | 52 | 13-53:12 | The Question That Forces The Issue | Art Azurdia | 43:41 |
Isaiah | 53 | 10-53:12 | The Servant’s Triumph | Art Azurdia | 45:28 |
Isaiah | 53 | 7-53:9 | The Servant’s Descent | Art Azurdia | 47:45 |
Isaiah | 53 | 4-53:6 | The Servant’s Substitution | Art Azurdia | 40:57 |
Isaiah | 53 | 1-53:3 | The Servant’s Rejection | Art Azurdia | 52:41 |
Isaiah | 53 | All | The Cross and the Crown | Edward Donelly | 1:01:26 |
Isaiah | 53 | 7 | The Silent Servant | Edward Donelly | 35:33 |
Isaiah | 53 | 1-6 | Our Sin | Edward Donelly | 35:47 |
Isaiah | 53 | 4-6 | Our Substitute | Edward Donelly | 41:42 |
Isaiah | 53 | 8-9 | Unexpected Ending | Edward Donelly | 37:12 |
Isaiah | 53 | 10-12 | Christ’s Cross and Crown 2 | Edward Donelly | 39:56 |
Isaiah | 53 | 10-12 | Christ’s Cross and Crown 1 | Edward Donelly | 35:27 |
Isaiah | 61 | 1 | The Anointing Spirit | Joel Beeke | 59:13 |