Dr. Allen’s research interests range widely over the various topics of Christian doctrine and eras of church history. He is eager to guide students to grow in their ability to retrieve theological riches from the past for the sake of renewing contemporary reflection, worship, and witness. In this vein, he is committed to Reformed catholicity as a confession and a posture for doing theology and approaching ministry today. He is presently writing a volume on sanctification that is not only rooted in Reformational teaching on Christ and grace but also attuned to patristic and medieval thought about the moral life and the lived nature of Christian holiness, as well as a spin-off volume regarding the need to recover and reform patristic, medieval, and Puritan teaching on heavenly-minded eschatology and its ethical implications in an age and church so focused upon naturalistic problems and blessings. With Dr. Scott Swain, he serves as general editor of the T & T Clark International Theological Commentary series and the New Studies in Dogmatics series for Zondervan Academic.
Book | Chapter | Verses | Title | Speaker | Duration |
Ephesians | 1 | 3-6 | Before the Foundation of the World | George Grant | 32:15 |
Ephesians | 1 | All | Every Spiritual Blessing in Christ | James Montgomery Boice | 46:29 |
Ephesians | 2 | 11-22 | The Nations | Afshin Ziafat | 47:15 |
Ephesians | 3 | 15-21 | Partakers of the Age to Come | D. A. Carson | 45:26 |
Ephesians | 4 | 17-24 | Are You in the World, or In Christ | John P. Sartelle | 34:12 |
Ephesians | 5 | 25 | Love Her, Love Her, Love Her (A Brief Excursus) | Art Azurdia | 54:23 |
Ephesians | 5 | 21-33 | The Godly Husband | John P. Sartelle | 45:34 |
Ephesians | 5 | 21:33 | The Sacred Calling of Marriage (Part 1) | Joel Beeke | 30:49 |
Ephesians | 6 | All | Spiritual Warfare | James Montgomery Boice | 47:26 |
Ephesians | 6 | 1-2 | Jesus, Generation X’ers, Millennial Children & Parents: Is Obedience Obsolete? | John P. Sartelle | 41:22 |
Ephesians | 6 | 10-18 | Are You Dressed for Battle but not Ready for the Fight? Is something Missing? | John P. Sartelle | 37:38 |
Ephesians | 6 | 12-13 | This Present Darkness | Kevin DeYoung | 43:43 |
Ephesians | 6 | 10-11 | Stand Against the Devil’s Schemes | Kevin DeYoung | 33:10 |
Ephesians | 6 | 1 | Men as Fathers | Matt Chandler | 43:14 |
Ephesians | 2-3 | All | What We Are and Where We Are Going | James Montgomery Boice | 51:24 |
Ephesians | 4-5 | All | Body Life | James Montgomery Boice | 51:03 |