A combination of historical chronicle and a collection of literary narratives in which history is told in sufficient detail that it comes alive in our imagination and embodies universal human experience (history tells what happened, while literature goes beyond that and tells what happens universally). The three primary heroes are Samuel, Saul (a tragic hero), and David. The historical part records national history; the literary part is biography of individuals.
Book | Chapter | Verses | Title | Speaker | Duration |
1 Samuel | 11-12 | All | The Mothers of Jesus: The Wife of Uriah | Luke Evans | 29:52 |
1 Samuel | 17 | 1-58 | David and Goliath | Stuart Olyott | 49:29 |
1 Samuel | 17 | 24-27 | Evening Worship Service: Wonder of Wonders | Mark Davis | 42:03 |