Court history (a chronicle of what various kings did), but because of the strongly religious worldview it is also a religious history of a nation. When the prophet Elijah enters in the last six chapters, biography and hero story become part of the mix. If we take a wide-angle view, the book falls into three segments: history of Solomon’s reign (1-11); succession narrative in which the kingdom splits into two kingdoms (12-16); conflict story between Ahab and Elijah (17-22).

Book | Chapter | Verses | Title | Speaker | Duration |
1 Kings | 3 | 1-4:34 | The Wisdom of Solomon | Ben Falconer | 43:15 |
1 Kings | 3 | 1-3:9 | A Prayer for Wisdom | Kevin DeYoung | 43:41 |
1 Kings | 6 | 1-6:38 | A House for the Holy God | Ben Falconer | 43:36 |
1 Kings | 8 | 22-8:53 | Our God Who Hears in Heaven | Ben Falconer | 43:52 |
1 Kings | 17 | 1-6 | The Gravitas of the Pulpit | John P. Sartelle | 28:02 |
1 Kings | 17 | 1-17:24 | A Drought, a Widow & the Word of God | Ben Falconer | 45:06 |
1 Kings | 18 | 1-18:46 | Let It Be Known This Day | Ben Falconer | 48:21 |
1 Kings | 19 | 1-21 | Elijah Horeb | Stuart Olyott | 50:11 |
1 Kings | 19 | 1-19:21 | He Who Calls You Is Faithful; He Will Do It | Ben Falconer | 46:26 |
1 Kings | 20 | 1-20:43 | Ahab’s Failure in Foreign Policy | Ben Falconer | 54:26 |
1 Kings | 22 | 1-20 | Introduction | Stuart Olyott | 34:21 |
1 Kings | 22 | 1-22:53 | Hearing and Obeying | Ben Falconer | 49:51 |